Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday, pukey Sunday

Remember that job I accepted on Friday? I didn’t really work on it yesterday because I had several errands that I needed to run, some chores that I couldn’t put off, and a couple of other things to get out of the way, and “besides,” I thought, “I have all of Sunday to work. And if I can’t get it all done in one day, I can still work a bit on Monday.”


I spent most of last night cleaning up puke – 1 am, 2 am, and 5 am vomits are the worst - and fetching my (almost) four year old water and clean clothes. It seems that Abraham’s cold isn’t really just a little cold, but some kind of flu. This morning he got up- really, really hungry and thirsty - and downed a big cup of milk, which he immediately proceeded to throw up all over the dining room table. Then he wanted popcorn. I made him some toast and told him that if he could keep it down, he could have some popcorn later. After two pieces of toast he had a big drink of water, and then two slices of bacon. After cleaning him up and feeding him I started on the laundry generated throughout the night and sat down with this cup of tea.

Status report:
  • I’m exhausted.
  • It’s only 10:30 am.
  • I have a messy kitchen, beds with no sheets, and a little boy on the couch grasping a bucket while asking for popcorn.
  • The older boys haven’t had breakfast yet.
  • Will I ever make it to Mass again?
  • It’s Sunday indeed, and I need to start on my work.
  • I can’t get my brain to wake up.
  • I just looked in my calendar and realized why I decided to finish my work this weekend: beginning of next week is crazy!
  • This baby will not stop moving and kicking!
  • Prof. Husband has a deadline and is in his own world. He will act on command, but is not much help beyond that.
  • My hair smells like vomit.

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