Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday-ish Daybook (more like Saturday I have to admit), March, 2012

Outside my window…

Beirut is sunny again, with a very blue sky, a large happy sun, a blue and turquoise sea, and campus is light green, with lots of flowers in the colors of the spring. I can open our balcony doors and windows, and let the fresh, crisp, but still warm spring air into my house. My plants are starting to grow, and the orange trees outside my window make everything smell so sweet. Nature is smiling at me, and I smile back.

I am wearing…

My Eddie Bauer jeans, which have been too snug forever. Now they’re too loose around my butt and they slide down. I guess I missed my window here, somehow.

I am creating…

All the light and fresh air in the house is making me want to create a happy space around us in the house. We spend so much time here studying, working and being together, I feel it’s important that our space is neat and bright. I was thinking about spring cleaning our book shelves. They’re a total disaster. Overflowing with books that are badly stacked, and a dump station for everything and nothing. I even had this crazy idea of painting the inside of the shelves. Courtney would probably kill me if I even mentioned that though, so I won’t let me imagination take over. A thorough organization will probably make it look nice too.

Towards an education…

After my intense working session last week, I am back, helping the boys advance. I spent three solid one-on-one hours with William today, helping him with his spelling and grammar. Both Courtney and I agree that he is slightly dyslexic. Courtney was too when he was young. I’m not too worried. We’re right here, working with him every day, and I can see improvements. August has no trouble with anything, except motivation. He’ll always just do the very minimum. Is it his age? Although I guess he has been quite excited about his piano lessons and a few other projects he has going. This is one of the advantages of homeschooling I guess; there's a lot of room for extracurricular activities when the school work seems less exciting from time to time.

From the kitchen…

I’ve cleaned the kitchen twice, but it still smells like fried fish from last night. We got a couple of bags of those colorful tropical fish that they sell in the frozen section for almost nothing, and fried them up in oil, restaurant style. They were good, but the fishy oil coats everything. I guess I need to bake bread or Swedish cinnamon rolls or something to restore a more pleasant scent in our house.

I am looking forward to…

Nothing in particular. I am enjoying this weekend, every moment of it. Tea and my Kindle. Leafing through a cookbook to find inspiration for dinner. Running the washer, and looking at a beautifully made bed, with all the clothes put away. Watering the plants on the balcony. Pushing Abe on the swing. Discussing ideas, texts, events and plans with Courtney. Running around the track without having to rush home. I am seizing the day.

When I have a moment…

I will get to that bookshelf. But first let me enjoy a lazy day!

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